On November 21, DiNoBord co-hosted together with the Centre for Organisational and Employee Wellbeing (COEW) at Liverpool University a one-day symposium on borders and securitization. Prof. Elena Raviola from DiNoBord and prof. Damian O’Doherty from COEW invited speakers from top British and European universities, to discuss will explore the rise of organisational securitisation in response to the increasing perception of global disorder associated with war, disease and climate emergency.
With a background in organisation studies, organisational sociology, political geography and science and technology studies, these internationally renowned scholars focuses on three key issues:
- The shift in public-private relations in the management of state boundaries and borders
- The role and organisational nature of digital infrastructures in the management of boundaries and borders, to include issues like surveillance and control
- The interweaving of digital work, surveillance and security in the construction of new subjectivities and new subject positions.
Keynote speakers were Professor Mikkel Flyverbom, Professor of Communication and Digital Transformations at Copenhagen Business School, Professor Daniel Neyland, Co-Director of the Bristol Digital Futures Institute at University of Bristol and Professor Alf Rehn, Professor of Innovation, Design and Management at University of Southern Denmark.
The symposium was well-attended and discussed and offered the participants an interdisciplinary space to discuss borders empirically and conceptually and the geopolitics of digital infrastructures of borders. The keynote speakers and the organizers will continue the discussions in a sub-plenary session at EGOS Colloquium in Athens. More info here.