Raviola, Elena, Secher Rasmussen, Luna and Plesner, Ursula (2023) Cuts through complexities: methodological steps to map digital Nordic border practices. Presented at the Nordic STS Conference, June 7-9, Oslo.
Plesner, Ursula, Rolandsson, Bertil, Secher Rasmussen, Luna (2023) Accelerated retrofitting: Infrastructuring for openness and security at the digital Nordic Borders through 20 years. Presented at the Nordic STS Conference, June 7-9, Oslo.
Ljungberg, Jan, Eneman, Marie and Raviola, Elena (2023) Dystopian imaginaries of surveillance – from fiction to the contemporary surveillance society. Presented at 17th Organization Studies Workshop, May 18-20, Athens.
Bertil Rolandsson, Bengt Andersen, Elena Raviola, Ursula Plesner (2024) lnfrastructuring and the daily enactment of interorganizational collaboration across borders, paper presented at the 18th Organization Studies Workshop, Organization, Organizing, and Politics: Disciplinary Traditions and Possible Futures 23-25 May, Mykonos, Greece
Raviola, E. (2024) The patchwork of surveillance at work: Organizing the oligopticon of inner border control. Paper presented at the 18th Organization Studies Workshop, Organization, Organizing, and Politics: Disciplinary Traditions and Possible Futures 23-25 May, Mykonos, Greece.
Parsa, Amin (2024) Technological racial worldmaking and border control practices in Europe. 19th Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law, Technological Change and International Law, 5-6 September Vilnius- Lithuania, Amin Parsa,
Parsa, Amin (2024) ‘Border as a technology of racial production and the racial technologies of bordering’. Legal Technologies and the Bodies, Sciences Po École De Droit, Paris France, 7th Match 2024, Amin Parsa,
Katarina Winter, Stockholm university & Vasilis Galis, IT University of Copenhagen, POLICRISES: Exploring the policing of polycrisis through community responses, sociologidagarna 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden, 13-15 March
Björn Karlsson & Vasilis Galis, IT University of Copenhagen, Digitalizing Police Science: Theory, Practice and Contradiction in Palantir’s POL-INTEL, sociologidagarna 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden, 13-15 March
Arvidsson, Matilda(2024) “The More-Than-Human Data Shadow: Posthuman International Law, Cold War Data History and Artificial Intelligence”. European Society for International Law (ESIL) annual meeting, Vilnius, 3-6 September 2024.
Arvidsson, Matilda (2024) ‘The In-human as human: law, environment, technology’. Conference: Constitutionalizing the Anthropocene Conference, Tilburg, the Netherlands, 20 April 2024.
Ljungberg, J., Eneman, M. and Raviola, E. (2023) Dystopian imaginaries of surveillance – from fiction to contemporary surveillance society. Paper presented at the 17th Organization Studies Summer Workshop on “Utopias and dystopias: Organization studies in a brave new world?” which will take place 18-20 May 2023 in Athens, Greece”.
Rasmussen, L., Plesner, U., Raviola, E. (2023) Cuts through complexities: methodological steps to map digital Nordic border practices. Paper presented at Nordic STS 2023.
Rasmussen, L., Plesner, U. and Rolandsson, B. (2023) Retrofitting Digital Border infrastructures – Digital Layers as reactions to crisis claims. Paper presented at Nordic STS 2023.
Andersen, B., Eneman, M., Galis, V., Ljungberg, J & Vlassis, V (2025) Unpacking the airport border assemblage, Critical Formations in STS Approaches to Border and Migration Regimes” at STS Hub, Berlin, 2025.
Eneman, M & Ljungberg, J (2025) Artificiell intelligens och styrningsdilemman för brottsbekämpande myndigheter, I (Red.) Iveroth, E., Lindvall, J & Magnusson, J, Digitalisering och styrning, Studentlitteratur.
Eneman, M & Ljungberg, J (2025) Public and private actors in the surveillant assemblage – a dangerous relation, Proceedings of the UK Academy for Information Systems (UKAIS), UK.
Organization of streams and conferences
EGOS 2025. Subplenary session: Organizing Securitization. Speakers: Mikkel Flyverbom, Daniel Neyland and Louise Amoore. Organized by Damian O’ Doherty, Elena Raviola and Ursula Plesner. Athens, July 2025 (Forthcoming).
Borders in crisis: Securitization and wellbeing. 21 November 2024. University of Liverpool. Chaired by Prof. Damian O’Doherty and Prof. Elena Raviola.
4S Conference. Organization of open panel at the meeting of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Amsterdam 16 July, 2024. Name of the panel: “Border infrastructures, geopolitical shocks, and regulation cracks”. Organized by Vasilieos Vlassis, Luna Rasmussen, Vasilis Galis and Elena Raviola.
2nd Organizing Migration and Integration in Contemporary Societies (OMICS 2023), 22-24 November 2023. Stream Organizer: Rethinking borders: Coloniality, change and abolition, Amin Parsa with Annika Lindberg and Karin Åberg.
Nordic STS, Oslo, June 2023. Panel: “Digital practices in institutionally complex contexts: Methodological challenges and practical solutions to understand the opaque and elusive”. Organized by Elena Raviola, Vasilis Galis and Luna Rasmussen.
International workshop (2024) AI and Surveillance in Policing and Law and Order. Organised by Marie Eneman and Jan Ljungberg attheDepartment of of Applied Information Technology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
International workshop (2023) The ‘Surveillant Assemblage’ In the Age of AI. Organised by Marie Eneman and Jan Ljungberg (Department of of Applied Information Technology, University of Gothenburg) in conjunction with the WASP-HS conference AI for Humanity and Society, Malmö.
Invited presentations
O’Doherty, Damian and Raviola Elena. Introduction at the Symposium “Borders in crisis: Securitization and Wellbeing” University of Liverpool. With Mikkel Flyverbom, Louise Amoore, Daniel Neyland. 21st November 2024.
Parsa, Amin. International law seminar series at Department of Law- Göteborg Universitet, 21 February 2024, Göteborg-Sweden, Paper presentation: ‘Borders as infrastructure of racial worldmaking: A technological examination’.
Parsa, Amin. Institutional mistrust? Mobile Futures virtual roundtable discussion at the University of Turku, 26 April, 2023, Online seminar, Invited speaker, topic: Bordering in interntional law.
Arvidsson, Matilda (2024) Keynote: “Law, AI and a Non-Fascist Living: Code, Knit, Resist”. “TechnoLegality Workshop: Law, Theory, Technology, University of the Sunshine Coast, Sunshine Coast, Australia, 29 July 2024.
Arvidsson, Matilda (2024) Keynote: “Cold War Data Law – Lessons for Contemporary AI Law and Society”. The opening of the Centre for Law as Protection, Deakin Law School, Melbourne Australia, 9 August 2024.
Arvidsson, Matilda (2024) ‘Law, AI and a Non-Fascist Living/Knit, Code and Feminist Resistance to Surveillance’. La Trobe Law School, Melbourne, Australia, 6 August 2024. Matilda Arvidsson (invited research talk, paper presentation)
Arvidsson, Matilda (2024) More-Than-Human Data Shadow: Posthuman International Law, Cold War Data History and Artificial Intelligence’. Human, Technology and Law Colloquium, Queensland Technical University, Brisbane, Australia, 30 July 2024. Invited research talk, paper presentation.
Arvidsson, Matilda (2024) Keynote: ‘International Law and AI’. AI in International Law and Dispute Resolution Conference, Penn State Law School, the US, 23 March 2024.
Arvidsson, Matilda (2024) ‘International Law and Technology’. New Perspectives on Normativity Joint Lecture Series, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and the Université Catholique de Lille, 30 January 2024. Invited talk. Raviola, Elena (2023). Seminar at the University of Trento. Presentation of the project. Department of International Relations
Amelung, N. and Galis V., 2023. “Border technologies: introduction. Special issue on border technologies”. Science as Culture. (editors) DOI: 10.1080/09505431.2023.2234932.
Makrygianni, V., and Galis V., 2023. “Practices of radical digital care: towards autonomous queer migration”. Science as Culture, DOI: 10.1080/09505431.2023.2221292.
G. Arguello, M. Arvidsson & N. Krabbe (2023) ‘Marine Ecosystem Bodies as Entangled Environments and Entangled Laws: Drones and the Marine Environment’, AJIL Unbound 117:145–50. doi:10.1017/aju.2023.19. Level 2.
Raviola, E. and Gasparin M. (2024) With Latour in our hands: Discovering the politics of organizing and the aesthetic matter of things. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management. Special issue on “Out in the Field with Bruno Latour”, edited by Barbara Czarniawska, Hervé Corvellec and Franck Cochoy.
Galis, V. & Karlsson, B. (accepted, forthcoming). A World of Palantir – Ontological Politics in Danish police’s POL-INTEL, Information, Communication, and Society.
Book chapters
Raviola, E. (forthcoming, accepted proposal) Sensing with new technologies? The patchworky aesthetics of organizing a Nordic border. In Statler, M. and Taylor, S. (eds) Handbook of Organizational Aesthetics.
Parsa, A. (Accepted and forthcoming 2025), ‘Data Architecture of the European Smart Border and its Discontent’, in Nanjala Nyabola, Taylor Owen, and Heidi Tworek (eds.), Global Platform Governance. MIT Press.